Discontinued product - Sorry this product is no longer available. Please see below for continued support

Tech Specs

The product features and specifications are subject to change without prior notice


Supported Humidity

If the projector is suspended from a ceiling or wall mount and installed in an environment with heavy oil smoke or places where oils or chemicals are volatilized, places where a lot of smoke or bubbles are used for event staging, or where aroma oils are frequently burned, it can make certain parts of our products susceptible to a material degradation which over time could break and cause the projector to drop from the ceiling.

If you are concerned about the environment in which your projector is installed, or if you have any other questions, please contact our support department and they can provide additional assistance.


24 months Carry in, Lamp: 36 months



Extended Warranty options with CoverPlus

Agħżel mill-firxa vasta ta' għażliet u aċċessorji.

  • Discreete installation
  • 54mm gap between with ceiling
  • Three adjustment positions
  • Black with White cover including

CoverPlus offering fast, reliable service for your Epson products.


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If the projector is suspended from a ceiling or wall mount and installed in an environment with heavy oil smoke or places where oils or chemicals are volatilized, places where a lot of smoke or bubbles are used for event staging, or where aroma oils are frequently burned, it can make certain parts of our products susceptible to a material degradation which over time could break and cause the projector to drop from the ceiling.

If you are concerned about the environment in which your projector is installed, or if you have any other questions, please contact our support department and they can provide additional assistance.

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If the projector is suspended from a ceiling or wall mount and installed in an environment with heavy oil smoke or places where oils or chemicals are volatilized, places where a lot of smoke or bubbles are used for event staging, or where aroma oils are frequently burned, it can make certain parts of our products susceptible to a material degradation which over time could break and cause the projector to drop from the ceiling.

If you are concerned about the environment in which your projector is installed, or if you have any other questions, please contact our support department and they can provide additional assistance.